About Rich Harwood
Author, speaker, innovator
Rich Harwood’s perspective is unique – and urgently needed today. For nearly 35 years, he has dedicated his career to revitalizing the nation’s hardest-hit communities, transforming the world’s largest organizations, and reconnecting institutions like newsrooms and schools to their role in society. He has been recruited to solve some of the most difficult problems of our time, including being called into Newtown, Connecticut after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Rich has innovated and developed a new philosophy of Civic Faith and the practice of Turning Outward, helping communities bridge divides to solve problems and create a civic culture of shared responsibility. Thousands of community leaders, public officeholders, foundation and corporate executives, clergy, journalists, and government officials in all 50 states and 40 countries around the globe are using his approaches.
He is an inspiring, sought-after speaker who regularly keynotes major conferences. He appears regularly on major media outlets, such as MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily, NPR’s All Things Considered, CNN, and Forbes, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post, and has written six books and numerous groundbreaking reports.
Rich can talk about how we can find real, actionable solutions to the overwhelming challenges we face today, including:
the conditions that lead to mass gun violence.
contentious education debates.
growing disparities.
a vacuum in our civic life.
Rich is the Founder and President of The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, located in Bethesda, Maryland.
“Fascinating. [Rich Harwood’s report] examines what might be at the heart of what drives today’s toxic politics.”
“For nearly 30 years, Rich Harwood has traveled around the country to help communities solve problems together…He’s been doing this work for a long time, well before the current political environment.”
“Rich’s talk was one of the most hopeful, inspirational, and forward-looking talks I’ve heard in at least a decade.”
If you are a writer, editor, or producer and would like to request an interview for a story, podcast, or video with Rich, please contact Michael Prihoda, Media and Creative Content Manager at
Featured Media Appearances
Rich's appearance on the Derate the Hate podcast.
Rich Harwood's interview with Randy Williams for WHBB Radio's Viewpoint in Selma, AL.
Rich's interview on the podcast, Uncomfy: Sticking with Moments That Challenge Us, reflecting on his experience working with Newtown, CT following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Rich Harwood’s op-ed with Lindsay Fox, President/CEO of the United Way Fresno and Madera Counties in The Fresno Bee in conjunction with his November 2023 visit to Fresno, CA.
The Owensboro Times’ interview with Rich previewing the initiative with the Greater Owensboro Leadership Institute in Owensboro, Kentucky.
The Messenger-Inquirer’s coverage of Rich’s speech to kick off the initiative with the Greater Owensboro Leadership Institute in Owensboro, Kentucky.
14News coverage of the forum hosted by the Greater Owensboro Leadership Institute and The Harwood Institute in Owensboro, Kentucky.
Chuck Todd and Ben Collins with Rich Harwood on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily.
NPR's Michel Martin talks with Rich Harwood about his experiences working to help communities heal from loss and deep divisions — and how it relates to our current moment.
Rich Harwood joins All Things Considered’s Barbershop to discuss what reconciliation might look like for Virginia Gov. Northam.
Recent Publications
Rich Harwood argues that it’s time to rethink the notion that Americans are too polarized to work together and get things done and that it’s time to get clear-eyed about what’s really holding us back and what it will take to help us move forward together.
In a Chronicle interview, the Judy Woodruff talks about her two years exploring what is tearing Americans apart — and the nonprofits working to bring people together.
Rich Harwood discusses the crisis of belief in America following the election. He thinks about various communities, specifically Reading, PA.
The Avalon’s Theatre is launching a community book club intended to create a culture of civic change. Rich Harwood’s “Unleashed” is the first book in their series.
Rich Harwood guest stars on Michael Ashford’s Rethinking Communications podcast to share how we can communicate amidst toxicity.
Rich Harwood discusses his “Time to Build” campaign and his interaction with a Kentucky native.
United Way and the Harwood Institute help to bring Shasta County together.
Podcast Appearances
Rich's appearance on the Derate the Hate podcast.
Rich's interview on the podcast, Uncomfy: Sticking with Moments That Challenge Us, reflecting on his experience working with Newtown, CT following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Rich Harwood’s interview with Ken Futernick for the Courageous Conversations About Our Schools podcast.
Rich appears on the ThoughtStretchers Education podcast to discuss the findings of A Common Agenda: How Three Communities Overcame Societal Tumult to Create Educational Equity Agendas.
Select books & reports

Media Coverage
Rich Harwood argues that it’s time to rethink the notion that Americans are too polarized to work together and get things done and that it’s time to get clear-eyed about what’s really holding us back and what it will take to help us move forward together.
In a Chronicle interview, the Judy Woodruff talks about her two years exploring what is tearing Americans apart — and the nonprofits working to bring people together.
Rich Harwood discusses the crisis of belief in America following the election. He thinks about various communities, specifically Reading, PA.
The Avalon’s Theatre is launching a community book club intended to create a culture of civic change. Rich Harwood’s “Unleashed” is the first book in their series.
Rich Harwood guest stars on Michael Ashford’s Rethinking Communications podcast to share how we can communicate amidst toxicity.
Rich Harwood discusses his “Time to Build” campaign and his interaction with a Kentucky native.
United Way and the Harwood Institute help to bring Shasta County together.