August 2024 Newsletter: Selma, AL; Civic Convention; Reflections From the Studio

“Rich Harwood knows a thing or two about depolarizing communities.” - Ken Futernick, Host of the Courageous Conversations About Our Schools Podcast

A Lesson from Selma, AL

Rich recently took the “Enough. Time to Build.” campaign to Selma, AL, to give a keynote address at the local NAACP’s annual Freedom Fund Banquet. The trip prompted a question. Does all really mean all? When we say community, do we mean everyone or just some of us? In our latest video essay from the road, Rich explores what it really takes to build community.

Civic Convention: The Need for a New Civic Path

It’s not too late to register to attend tonight’s Civic Convention from 7-8 pm ET. We’re rallying Americans of all political persuasions to start moving our country forward in a new way. Here are three reasons to join us:

  • Hear directly from Rich about why now, more than ever, we need a new civic path forward.

  • Be inspired by stories of community transformation taking place in Reading, PA; Alamance County, NC; and Lexington, KY.

  • Enjoy musical performances that will prompt you to consider what we hold in common as Americans.

Give us an hour and we’ll give you hope.

Reflections from the Studio on Community

Harwood’s Studio on Community is our hub for innovation and thinking. Over the summer, we were honored to have Morgan Wordelmann and Ruth Haileselassie serve as Studio Associates. As their time came to a close, each penned a reflection on why they came to the Institute and what lessons they are taking with them to their next endeavors. 

Morgan is headed back to Ohio State University for her senior year. “The Harwood Institute has realigned my perspective on what it means to be a catalyst of change….” Read Morgan’s full reflection.

Meanwhile, Ruth is off to volunteer abroad with the Peace Corps. “For me, the single most pivotal moment during my time at the Institute was when I got the opportunity to travel to DeSoto County, FL to assist with the community conversations….” Read Ruth’s full reflection.

The Problem No Presidential Candidate Can Solve

The presidential race has shifted dramatically in recent weeks. Coming out of the Democratic Convention, the only sure bet moving forward is that there are no sure bets. But no matter who wins come November, the underlying conditions in our country will not have fundamentally shifted—pervasive mistrust, deep divisions, and growing inequities and disparities.

Each of us must vote our conscience this November. Yet moving the country forward requires a deeper response than just electing a new president. Read Rich’s latest op-ed in Deseret News for more.

“Rich Harwood Rocks My World!”

Ken Futernick—host of the Courageous Conversations About Our Schools podcast—recently interviewed Rich to discuss how communities might better navigate education culture wars. Here’s how Ken reacted to having Rich on: “Let me simply say, Rich rocked my world! Despite the extensive reading I’ve done on the subject and the interviews I’ve conducted with several conflict experts, I learned something new about the dynamics of conflict. More importantly, I learned some practical strategies one could use to help build stronger, healthier school communities.”

You can listen to their conversation and all the other podcasts Rich has been on lately with our handy Spotify playlist

A Throwback to Langston Hughes

Some 90 years ago Langston Hughes, in his seminal poem “Let America Be America Again,” wrote, “We, the people, must redeem… all the stretch of these great green states.”

His proclamation still calls us today to realize America’s unfulfilled promise. Our work is not done. But this is work that can be done if we go together. It’s time for us to redeem “these great green states.” Join us by watching our latest campaign video, inspired by Hughes’ poem.

Upcoming Events

Unleashing Impact Virtual Public Innovators Lab | Starting September 26, 2 pm ET
If you’ve taken our Getting Started Lab or used elements of the Harwood approach in your work, Unleashing Impact is the next step to becoming even more effective. Learn how to unleash, grow, and spread a chain reaction while strengthening your community’s civic culture in just five weeks! The next Lab kicks off September 26 at 2 pm. Reserve your spot today!

Harwood Summit | December 12-14, 2024
Three days. 50 civic leaders. One shared purpose: to come together to wrestle with the challenges we face, to think deeply about who we are and how we’re called to step forward, and to renew our commitment to building a new trajectory of hope in our communities. Learn more about this year’s Summit.

Harwood is your home for hope.

Make sure you follow Rich on LinkedIn to be nourished and supported as we go together this election season.

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Reflections from the Studio on Community: What It Means to Be a Catalyst of Change