June 2024 Newsletter: Navigating the Presidential Debate; Building a Better Owensboro

“Communities turn to the Institute when they don’t see a clear way forward.” - Inside Philanthropy

Navigating the Presidential Debate: Finding Hope

Tonight’s presidential debate is an important milestone in a crucial election year. But chances are it will leave many of us feeling increasingly divided, anxious, or frustrated. It doesn’t help that most news outlets are already talking about how one side or the other might “win” the debate, reinforcing the battle lines.

Last night, our pre-debate event was designed to offer something fundamentally different. A chance to find hope amid the chaos. As Rich told attendees from around the country, “It’s so easy to lose sight of the things that help us persevere through troubled times. It’s important to make a habit of reminding yourself what those things are.”

While the debate is a singular event, the frame Rich offered attendees for how we might stay grounded in moving forward is applicable throughout the rest of the election cycle.

Building a Better Owensboro

Owensboro, KY is family-oriented, faith-based, and built on deep interpersonal relationships. People take enormous pride from living there. Still, the area is dealing with an array of challenges and is facing a fundamental choice: Stick with the status quo and risk stagnation or seize opportunities to come together and build a better Owensboro?

We recently released a report, Building a Better Owensboro: A New Path Forward for Owensboro-Daviess County, to highlight key themes we heard from residents and leaders and kickstart an action phase in the community. Our initiative in Owensboro is part of our deep work in communities—places like Reading, PA; DeSoto County, FL; and Alamance County, NC—that reflect America’s fault lines to demonstrate we have the will and ability to move forward together.

Campaign Doubling Down for Second Half of 2024

Six months ago, we launched our “Enough. Time to Build.” campaign. Amid mounting challenges in society, we believed communities needed a civic path, not more politics.

Since then, we’ve been invited everywhere from Flint, MI to Pensacola, FL and Fresno, CA to Stamford, CT. Our takeaway as we hit the halfway mark? This campaign is making a difference. People are telling us it’s helping them reimagine a more hopeful future and refocus on catalyzing change at the local level.

That’s why we’re doubling down for the second half of this campaign. More cities. More campaign events. More stories of communities building together.

The Harwood Approach Featured by Inside Philanthropy

“Rich Harwood believes it’s possible to ward off the culture wars before they flare up and spread.” - Inside Philanthropy

On education and other hot button issues, we’re helping communities forge a civic path forward that goes beyond dialogue and gets people building together. National outlets are taking notice. Our approach to bridging divides, creating a culture of shared responsibility, and making community a common enterprise was recently highlighted in this feature story from Inside Philanthropy. They use the unfolding story of our work in Reading, PA, to show this civic path in action.

Upcoming Events and Virtual Labs

Civic Rally with Rich Harwood | July 12 at 1 pm ET
The Civic Rally is a new kind of civic space that is designed to build us up, nourish us, and restore a sense of possibility and hope as we seek to make a difference in our communities. Each Rally, Rich and community leaders from around the country wrestle with a complex issue that sits at the intersection of our civic and personal lives. We’ve tackled everything from grief to civic joy to how we build momentum when feeling stuck. Come find meaning, connection, and belonging at our next Civic Rally on July 12. Register here

Getting Started Virtual Public Innovators Lab | Starting July 29, 2 pm ET
Grounded in 35 years of innovation, our high-impact Getting Started Virtual Lab is your crash course in implementing the transformative Harwood approach in practical, doable, and achievable ways starting from the first session. It’s best experienced as a cohort, so bring your colleagues and allies. The next Lab kicks off July 29 at 2 pm ET. Reserve your spot today!

Unleashing Impact Virtual Public Innovators Lab | Starting September 26, 2 pm ET
If you’ve taken our Getting Started Lab or used elements of the Harwood approach in your work, Unleashing Impact is the next step to becoming even more effective. Learn how to unleash, grow, and spread a chain reaction while strengthening your community’s civic culture in just five weeks! The next Lab kicks off September 26 at 2 pm. Reserve your spot today!

Harwood is your home for hope.

Make sure you follow Rich on LinkedIn to be nourished and supported as we go together this election season.

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